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Examples of recent projects 

West Cumbria Mining – August 2016 – ongoing

Marine environmental surveys in support of planning and marine licence

An ongoing contract for West Cumbria Mining looking at all aspects of their development and how it interacts with the marine environment. This work includes bathymetric charting, scientific beam trawling (fish population study), habitat mapping, physical ocean processes, sediment and water chemical analysis, benthic macrofaunal assessment and numerical modelling. Surveys conducted to date have been undertaken at various sites around the development, including offshore drilling jack-ups and remote onshore and intertidal areas, and thorough health and safety assessments and documentation were completed for each phase/location of survey. Sediment and water samples were collected for a range of analyses (heavy and trace metals, nutrients, sediment radio-isotope analysis, etc.) and stringent protocols were followed in the method of collection, storage, and delivery of these samples to the external laboratory. The scientific beam trawl survey required the in-field identification of fish and invertebrate species. Benthic sediment samples were collected, processed in the field, and analysed at Seastar’s laboratory for macrofaunal identification.


Cefas – June 2023

Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast SAC

On behalf of Natural England, Cefas commissioned Seastar Survey to undertake a dropdown camera survey of the Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast SAC in order to verify the extent and distribution of subtidal 'reef' and 'reef like' features. Four Areas within the SAC were surveyed using drop-down video (DDV) techniques. Within each area 10 camera transects of approximately 10 minutes duration were surveyed using high-definition video and high-resolution stills camera. Still images were acquired approximately every 20 seconds throughout each deployment.


Natural England – February 2023 – April 2023

Beachy Head East MCZ acoustic survey

Seastar Survey were commissioned by Natural England to undertake a singlebeam bathymetry and sidescan sonar survey of the entire Beachy Head East MCZ. Following the completion of the survey work, all data was processed, analysed, and charted. The results were then used to create a draft habitat map of the MCZ, and potential camera transect locations were selected for a future ground truthing survey. The data was supplied along with an ArcGIS project, maps, and a full report.


EnviroCentre – December 2022 – March 2023

Hatston Pier and Harbour Habitat Mapping Survey

Seastar were commissioned by Envirocentre to undertake a broadscale habitat assessment of the intertidal and subtidal habitats at and in the vicinity of the proposed Hatston Pier expansion project on behalf of Orkney Island Council. Fieldwork included phase 1 intertidal habitat mapping, subtidal video and stills survey, and subtidal sediment sampling using a Day grab. Post survey work included analysis of collected underwater imagery data, processing of macrofauna samples and sediment particle size, statistical analysis and assignment of biotopes, creation of habitat maps, and report submitted as part of the project EIA.

EnviroCentre – December 2022 – April 2023

Scapa Deep Water Quay Habitat Mapping Survey

Seastar were commissioned by Envirocentre to undertake a broadscale habitat assessment of the intertidal and subtidal habitats at and in the vicinity of a proposed development at Scapa Bay for Orkney Island Council. Fieldwork included phase 1 intertidal habitat mapping, subtidal video and stills survey, and subtidal sediment sampling using a Day grab. Post survey work included analysis of collected underwater imagery data, processing of macrofauna samples and sediment particle size, statistical analysis and assignment of biotopes, creation of habitat maps, and report submitted as part of the project EIA.


Natural England – October 2022 – January 2023

Filey to Red Cliff Intertidal Survey

Natural England wished to collect evidence to support the potential redesignation and expansion of several SSSI’s along the Yorkshire coastline which had been previously notified for their biological and/or geological interest. As part of this evidence collection, Seastar were contracted by Natural England to undertake Phase I intertidal surveys at five transects between Filey Brigg and Red Cliff Rocks. 


Natural England – October 2022 – January 2023

Flamborough Head Intertidal Survey

Natural England wished to collect evidence to support the potential redesignation and expansion of several SSSI’s along the Yorkshire coastline which had been previously notified for their biological and/or geological interest. As part of this evidence collection, Seastar were contracted by Natural England to undertake a Phase I and Phase II intertidal survey within specific units of the Flamborough Head SSSI. 


Natural England – September 2022 – January 2023

Yarmouth to Cowes MCZ Phase I and II Baseline Survey of Intertidal Rock, Underboulder Communities and Peat and Clay Exposures

In order to inform a Conservation Advice Package for the Yarmouth to Cowes MCZ, Natural England commissioned Seastar to undertake a Phase I and Phase II baseline survey of three of the features of the MCZ: intertidal rock habitats; intertidal underboulder communities; and peat and clay exposures.


Southern Water – December 2021 – August 2022

Portsea and Hayling Habitat Mapping Survey

A broadscale habitat mapping survey between Portsmouth Harbour and Hayling Island. Planned and carried out a singlebeam bathymetry and sidescan sonar survey and processed and analysed the data acquired. Project managed and organised a sediment sampling survey using a Hamon grab, for subsequent macrofaunal assessment and particle size analysis.  The results of the grab survey will be used to ground-truth the acoustic data and EUNIS Level 3 habitat maps will be produced in ArcGIS.  A working ArcGIS project will be supplied along with a full report of all findings.

Natural England – February – March 2022

Portland Harbour Lagoon Sandworm

Seastar undertook a sediment sampling survey to determine the presence of lagoon sandworms in Portland Harbour. Liaised closely with staff from Natural England and the National Oceanography Centre to devise a robust sampling and processing method to collect viable lagoon sandworm specimens.  Supplied various sediment sampling equipment (e.g. grabs, cores, etc.) and a small survey boat to complete the work.  The techniques developed in Portland Harbour were used to collect samples from control sites in the New Forest.


Royal Southern Yacht Club – March – December 2021

MMO Licence Application

MMO Licence application on behalf of the Royal Southern Yacht Club, which required maintenance dredging of their marina.  Previous data and licence applications were reviewed and a full application was completed.  Sediment samples were collected from within the dredge footprint for subsequent chemical analysis as per the requirements of the MMO Licence application.  A singlebeam bathymetry survey was undertaken in order to calculate dredge disposal volumes and a suitable method of dredging and disposal sites were identified.


Wood – Autumn 2020 – Spring 2022

Hunterston Decommissioning Surveys

Seastar undertook an acoustic survey (bathymetry and sidescan sonar), underwater camera survey (video and still images), and sediment sampling for subsequent particle size analysis and macrofaunal assessment. Data was analysed and broadscale habitat maps produced, results of which will assist in the decommissioning of the Hunterston A nuclear power station.


Wood – Summer 2020 – Spring 2022

Hinkley B Decommissioning Surveys

Production of broadscale habitat maps surrounding the soon-to-be decommissioned Hinkley Point B nuclear power plant. Bathymetry and sidescan sonar data were acquired, and sediment samples collected for subsequent particle size analysis and macrofaunal assessment. Habitat maps were created in ArcGIS and a report of all findings produced. A water quality monitoring survey was carried out throughout 2021 to monitor the nutrient and metal concentrations offshore of Hinkley Point B.


Ecoserv – November 2020 – June 2021

Malta National Spoil Ground Survey

Produced sediment distribution maps of an area surrounding the National Spoil Ground in Malta for the Environment and Resources Authority. Areas of debris not included in the Spoil Ground were identified and positioned. All wrecks in the survey area were identified and positioned. Cross-sections and slope angle assessment of the Spoil Ground were also produced. A report of all findings and pertinent charts supplied to the Environment and Resources Authority.


Blue Marine – March – August 2020

Langstone Harbour and Western Yar Habitat Mapping Surveys

EUNIS Level 3 habitat mapping survey of Langstone Harbour and the Western Yar. Bathymetry and sidescan sonar data were collected and analysed to produce broadscale habitat maps in ArcGIS. Sediment samples were collected and analysed for granulometry by laser diffraction and wet and dry sieving, and ground-truthed the acoustic data. EUNIS Level 3 habitat polygons were created in ArcGIS and a summary report supplied.


E.On – November 2019

Scarweather Met mast Bathymetry and Sidescan Sonar Survey

Seastar carried out a bathymetry and sidescan sonar survey to check that the decommissioned Met mast at Scarweather sands had been removed completely. Single-beam bathymetry and sidescan sonar data were processed and charts and geo-referenced images created. Produced a survey report.


Ryde Pier habitat mapping survey – October 2019

Wightlink Ferries

Collection of singlebeam bathymetry and sidescan sonar data to assess the range of potential habitats and determine the distribution and extent of any seagrass present around Ryde Pier, Isle of Wight. Results of the survey work were to form part of an environmental assessment associated with potential improvements to the pier.


Bourne Leisure – November – December 2018

Rockley Point Habitat Mapping Survey

Seastar carried out a broadscale habitat mapping survey of an area around Rockley Point, Poole Harbour. Single-beam bathymetry data was collected and processed, and charts produced of the area. Sediment samples were collected using a van Veen grab in subtidal areas, and push cores in intertidal areas. Sediment samples were analysed for particle size analysis and macrofaunal identification.


Prysmian – September 2018

Solent Seagrass Survey

Seastar undertook a survey of the potential areas of seagrass at the Chilling landfall (Brownwich) of the IFA2 route.  Survey work including singlebeam bathymetry, high resolution sidescan sonar (acoustic) survey and underwater camera.


ADI – April – June 2018

Broadscale habitat mapping survey, Malta

Seastar undertook a broadscale habitat mapping survey off the north-east coast of Malta. Bathymetric and sidescan sonar data was collected and analysed and areas of potentially different habitats identified. These areas were ground-truthed using a drop-down video camera system and a number of videos and high definition stills were taken. The images were analysed and biotopes assigned.


Blue Marine Foundation - March 2018

River Hamble Bathymetric & Sidescan Sonar Survey: Identification of Potential Locations for New Oyster Beds

The completion of a bathymetry and sidescan sonar survey to map the distribution of sediment types in the river Hamble.  Carried out data processing and presented results, together with recommendations for areas which might serve as good oyster seeding grounds, in GIS and a summary report.


Seastar Survey Ltd., Unit 1 Outlook House, Hamble Point, School Lane, Hamble, SO31 4NB

Tel. +44 (0)23 8063 5000


ISOQAR Registered - Certificate Number 3647 - ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 ©2019 by Seastar Survey Ltd. Proudly created with

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